
Romagna itineraries


Historically it is known as the "City of the Three Popes", today many know it for its university, some love it above all for its appetizing cuisine and there are those who remain enchanted by the streets of its historic centre. This is Cesena, a city in the heart of Emilia Romagna, located along the Via Emilia in an area extremely rich in cities of art, close to the Riviera and immersed in the gentle plain.
Halfway between the sea and the hills, it is surrounded by centers of tourist interest such as Cervia and its Parco delle Saline, where you can admire unique natural environments and panoramas of enchanting charm, and Ravenna, famous throughout the world for the splendor of its mosaics.
Many exciting fun-filled events take place throughout the year in the squares and along the streets of Cesena , tradition and art. There are alternating series of shows ranging from music to theatre, cinema and literary meetings with writers, exhibitions and food and wine events with a wide range of tasty dishes and delicious wines, in an irresistible journey among the scents of Romagna.

The splendid historic center is a meeting place for citizens and tourists: the Malatesta Library, named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Bonci Municipal Theater, the >Rocca Malatestiana, Piazza del Popolo, the Masini Fountain, symbol of the city of Cesena, are all located in a central position, convenient to visit on a relaxing walk .
10 minutes from the center of Cesena, the imposing complex of the Abbey of Santa Maria del Monte stands on the Spaziano hill.


Visiting Cesena also means discovering an entire territory where, alongside the consolidated seaside and spa offers, historic villages or small towns such as Gambettola (km 10), Cesenatico (km 17), Forlì (km 28), Santarcangelo di Romagna (km 29), San Marino (km 50), Rimini (km 35), Ravenna (km 35), Sarsina (km 31), Bagno di Romagna (km 50). They are places rich in ancient testimonies of artistic and cultural heritage, as well as, naturally, an offer of food and wine and typical products.


Ravenna, an architectural treasure chest, a city of art and culture, is recognized throughout the world for its historical and artistic beauties. The city preserves the richest heritage of mosaics within its splendid early Christian and Byzantine religious buildings, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Rich and diverse in every season. In addition to the possibility of visiting all the eight UNESCO monuments (Basilica of San Vitale, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Neoniano Baptistery, Chapel of S. Andrea, Baptistery of the Arianes, Basilica of S. Apollinare Nuovo, Mausoleum of Theodoric, Basilica of S. Apollinare in Classe) it is possible to visit the MAR, the city's Art Museum, which offers periodic high-profile exhibitions and houses several permanent collections, including the Collection of Contemporary Mosaics, the San Nicolò Complex where “Tamo. The Whole Adventure of Mosaic", a permanent exhibition entirely focused on mosaic art and the National Museum of Ravenna. Furthermore, the few kilometers that separate it from the Adriatic coast make it an evocative destination for relaxation and entertainment, full of artistic and cultural events.

Cervia, the city of salt

A small "jewel" of Emilia Romagna, a few steps from the Po Delta Park, Cervia is just 15 km from Cesena.
Piazza Garibaldi, the Palace Comunale and the Cathedral, the nineteenth-century Town Theater of Cervia, the Monument to Grazia Deledda and the strong>Piazzale dei Salinari are just some of the monuments to visit in Cervia.
Absolutely worth seeing are the Saline di Cervia, the gateway to the naturalistic area of Po Delta Regional Park, which represent a complex ecosystem where fauna and flora have adapted to "extreme" living conditions, due to the high percentage of salt present in the waters.


Cesenatico, just 16 km from Cesena, is a characteristic place on the Riviera that combines history, culture and good living. In the small and picturesque historic center you can still feel the atmosphere of the ancient fishing village, between the canal port designed by Leonardo Da Vinci and the alleys where there are museums, restaurants, markets and charming clubs.< br>If the ancient center is the right place to taste the blue fish prepared in the "rustide", and the beach is perfect for relaxation, the hinterland lends itself to food and wine and cycling itineraries which, starting from Cesenatico, cross the whole of Romagna . Behind the busiest streets in summer, behind the hotels of Cesenatico, the ancient seaside resort reserves surprises and events that make it one of the most visited towns even during the Christmas period when it is a consolidated custom, for example, to go and see the Leonardo canal port where the suggestive floating nativity scene is set up.

Bagno di Romagna and the Casentino Forests

Bagno di Romagna is located in the Savio valley, 50 km away from Cesena. Part of its territory is included in the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona and Campigna, a large protected area in the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines, comprising woods and forests among the largest and best preserved in Italy, guardian of a high floristic heritage and a fauna of great interest which includes the wolf and the golden eagle among the large predators.
Bagno di Romagnais a thriving tourist centre, by virtue of its spa resorts, renowned throughout Italy and the benefits of its waters were already known in the times of the ancient Romans. The town has maintained its medieval and Renaissance structure, with buildings from all eras within which hotels, taverns, wine bars and restaurants have been created. There is no shortage of artisan shops and typical products, from cheeses to cured meats to wine.


Located in the heart of Romagna, Forlì is one of the most interesting Romanesque cities in the region. Rich in countless historical and artistic testimonies, Forlì is a destination that can be visited throughout the year. In the summer period, in particular with the "Summer Squares" exhibition, the city comes alive with numerous cultural initiatives that allow you to "experience" the historic center through access to places that cannot normally be visited and the valorization of artistic beauties, even in the most unknown corners of the city. The San Domenico Museum Complex, in the heart of the historic centre, is certainly worth a visit. Home to the oldest section of the Art Gallery, it attracts visitors thanks to the prestigious exhibitions held in recent years.